The Two Hook Flapper Rig is an essential rig for saltwater anglers.
In this article, you’ll learn the ins and outs of this versatile rig, designed specifically for targeting a wide variety of species.
Useful for both beginners and advanced anglers, this guide will cover everything needed to master the Two Hook Flapper Rig.
We’ll cover the fundamentals like materials and construction, explore the flapper’s adaptability for different types of fishing situations, and provide tips on how to maximize your catch.
So let’s get started on perfecting your Two Hook Flapper Rig technique!

Check out our guide on the best rigs for surf fishing here.
Two Hook Flapper Rig – What is it?
A two-hook flapper rig is a popular and versatile sea fishing rig. It comprises a main line with two hook snoods hanging loose, creating a flapping motion during casting.
The crimped swivels on the Two Hook Flapper Rig set this rig apart, enhancing the bait movement in the water, helping to trigger bites from passing fish.
It’s effective in mid-range casting and is suitable for targeting various species, where multiple baited hooks increase your chances of catching fish.
Tackle Needed for the Two-Hook Flapper Rig

When setting up your two-hook flapper rig, gather the essential components and materials. You’ll need a mainline, shock leader, swivels, beads, crimps, hooks, and bait clips.
Each component serves a vital function:
- The mainline connects your rig to your reel, while the stronger shock leader prevents breakage during casting
- Swivels minimize line twists and allow for mobility
- Beads protect knots and act as spacers between the components
- Crimps secure the snoods in their positions
- Hooks must be sharp to catch fish effectively
- Bait clips hold the bait in place during casting
Consider line strength, hook size and type, and bait type when choosing the best tackle for your two-hook flapper rig. This way, you’ll maximize your chances of successful fishing!
Making a Two-Hook Flapper Rig
A two-hook flapper rig is a versatile and effective sea fishing rig that allows you to present two baits simultaneously. Here’s a brief guide on how to make your own two-hook flapper rig.
Step 1: Prepare the Rig Body

Cut a 1.5m (5ft) length of mainline or leader material for the rig body. Choose a line strength suitable for your target species and fishing conditions, such as 20lb-30lb for general fishing or 40lb-60lb for rough ground. You can use wire, as I’ve done in this image.
Step 2: Attach Swivels to Mainline

Attach a swivel into each end of the mainline using a uni-knot or your preferred knot, or crimp a loop in the wire. The top swivel will connect to your mainline or shock leader while the bottom swivel connects to the lead weight.
Step 3: Add Beads, Crimps, and Snood Swivels

Thread two beads, followed by two crimps, and finally two snood swivels onto the mainline, evenly spacing them between the top and bottom swivels. Secure the snood swivels in place by lightly crimping the line.
Step 4: Prepare the Hook Snoods

Cut two 60cm (2ft) lengths of hooklength or snood material. Tie a hook (appropriate for your target species) to one end using a snell knot or uni-knot, and a surgeon’s loop or figure-eight loop on the other end.
Step 5: Attach Hook Snoods to Snood Swivels

Attach the hook snoods to the snood swivels by passing the loop through the swivel eye, and then passing the hook through the loop. Pull tight to secure the hook snood to the snood swivel.
Step 6: Cast and Enjoy
Your two-hook flapper rig is now ready for use!
Connect it to your mainline or shock leader, attach your lead weight, and bait your hooks with your preferred bait.
Cast it out, and watch what you pull in!
Two Hook Flapper Rig – Top Tips for Effective Use
When using the two-hook flapper rig, consider these tips for effective use in different conditions:
- Bait choice: Choose appropriate bait such as cut fish or worms to attract your desired fish species.
- Short snoods: Employ short snoods to minimize tangles when casting and retrieving, especially in surf conditions.
- Casting: Use a shock leader for distance casting, and maintain a smooth casting technique to keep baits and snoods properly positioned.
- Slack line management: Use a rod rest and a bite indicator to monitor your rod tip and reduce the likelihood of missing bites.
- Striking and reeling: Strike firmly, but not too hard to set the hook without breaking the line or ripping the hook from the fish. Reel in steadily, keeping the line tight.
- Rig adaptability: Change hook size, type, and hook length to match your bait or fish species. Modify the rig body length based on water depth and current conditions.
By following these practical tips, you’ll enjoy a more effective and hassle-free experience with your two-hook flapper rig.
Two Hook Flapper Rig Target Species
This rig is ideal for a multi-species session, as it can target various fish such as bass, flounder, and whiting, to name a few.
The rig presents two baits, doubling your chances of attracting a catch. And it works exceptionally well in clean ground conditions, or next to structure like pilings, piers, jetties and harbour walls.
As for bait, your choices do matter.
When targeting bass, try using fresh squid or peeler crab.
In a multi-species session, however, it’s always a good idea to mix things up with different baits like lugworms and ragworms.
Two Hook Flapper Rig Pros and Cons
The Two Hook Flapper rig is a popular choice for sea fishing, but like any other rig, it has its pros and cons. So, let’s dive in and explore them, shall we?
Pros of the Two-Hook Flapper Rig
- Versatility: You can use this rig for various conditions, whether on a pier or rough ground. Spreading your baits over a wider area, you’ll cover more of the sea bed. In various conditions, such as mixed ground or surf, a long rig body and long snoods come in handy.
- Double chances: As the name suggests, this rig utilizes two hooks, increasing your chances of catching fish. You can use different baits depending on the species or situation – lugworms for whiting and squid for cod, for example.
- Adaptability: You can modify this rig into a clipped-down version for longer casts.
- Simplicity: its design is simple to make and use, requiring only basic components like mainline, leader, swivels, beads, crimps, hooks, and minimal skills.
Cons of the Two-Hook Flapper Rig
- Tangling: One downside is the possibility of tangles, especially if you don’t keep the snoods tight. If the snoods are too long or close together you’ll get tangled too. To minimize this issue, you can try using rig springs or adjusting your snood lengths to keep them tight.
- Snagging: It’s not ideal for long-range casting or rough ground fishing, as the hooks may flap or snag. This could risk losing your rig or even the fish if you cast too far or fish over rocky or weedy areas.
- Weight: The rig requires a weight to keep it on the seabed, which might make it harder to detect quick bites.
- Species selection: The Two-Hook Flapper Rig may not be the best option for every situation or species, so consider your specific fishing challenge before using this rig. Keep experimenting and adapting your rigs to find what works best for you in each unique scenario.
Two Hook Flapper Rig Summary
Overall, the Two Hook Flapper rig is a go-to option for sea fishing enthusiasts.
Great for fishing different vertical heights tp target a myriad of species. Just make sure you set your snoods and hooks at the right length to avoid tangles.
Just remember, no rig is perfect, so choose the one that suits your needs and test out different tactics and rigs to trigger bites from the target fish you’re after.